Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pride, an American Epidemic

I am happy and content with who I am at this point in time.  Life is not perfect but I am conducting myself in an honest and virtuous way that is putting me in a position to better myself every day.  I can say over the past 2-3 years I have grown tremendously due to my personal trials and tribulations ive been through.
The biggest obstacle(s) that i've overcome in the past few years are the roadblocks created by the idea of 'pride'.  By definition the idea [pride] is generally a positive term...but can have negative consequences when utilized improperly.  Such as but not limited to; having too much pride to influence you 'not' to do certain things to better yourself. 
A great personal example I could give is in regards to the economy.  There was a point in time where I was so infatuated with other people's opinions where I felt I couldnt accept fast food jobs, or any blue collar work due to my family background and upbringing.  I felt that I'd be looked down upon by friends or colleages because I wouldn't be 'utilizing my full potential' that I'm capable of.  Or, the fact (even now today as I write this) I find it hard to ask for assistance financially or emotionally from family or friends. 
Though the concept of self-sufficiency is honest and suggested within our society, and employment that utilizes your true talents is preferred; given certain circumstances I've encounterd in life, many decisions where i've decided to be overly prideful and not accept assistance, advice, or insight has not necessarily set me back, but it hasn't progressed me forward towards my goals.
I see this happen in society so often from friends, colleages, co-workers, races and ethnicities, etc.  Why spend hundreds of dollars on name brand clothes, when you don't have a car or a home? Why deny favors of those who offer their hands to help you because they have different views than you do on certain ideas? As humans we are all different, and I honestly think the biggest negative about pride is that many of us use it to distance or separate ourselves from each other.  So many of us are pro-Democrat, pro-Republican, pro-Liberal, pro-Conservative, pro-Black, pro-White, etc. that we are missing the big picture.  We all need each other, differences and all, to progress our society at an efficient speed.
I think that one of the most important terms that can be associated with pride is respect.  Respect, allows you to look at the majority of the world without prejudice and be able to accept people based on their accomplishments no matter how big or how small.  No matter what race they are.  No matter how small their paycheck is.  No matter what gender they are. 
With relationships and friendships based on pride and respect, growth and success is inevitable.