Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Things iWant Children To Know...Part 14.5

Today, was a decent enough day. I had to work, there was an awesome snowstorm, and the verdict of the Mike Brown killer's criminal trial thingy came on tonight. Needless to say, they had a press conference for it that kept getting pushed back until later and later into the evening. We all knew what was going to happen...
Things iWant my children to know...
"We live in a world fraught with evil at every turn. America is the most diverse country in the world, but its current system of diversity was founded on hate and enslavement. As much as a tragedy as the Mike Brown case was, the premise of his death was decided during the Trayvon Martin case.  No amount of protesting will change the way or system works in America, change comes from within our community.  As much as this is a black and white thing, as brown people we glamourize the destruction of our community through action and song, as a RACE in America most of us hold little value to those of the same skin but NOT of direct kin...so, it shouldnt come as a surprise that a cop who killed a black man would get away with it, especially since there have been SEVERAL cases over the past few years which were similar in scope and had similar outcomes. 

I think what has happened to Mike Brown is terrible, but the jury decision on whether to allow or disallow a criminal trial, well its just another affirmation that we live in America...

But iDigress...iWant my children to know...

Life isnt fair, it makes no sense to be mad about it unless it motivates you to take action. Not, fight the police and loot and riot action, but action that can shape the future of your life...and your future in a positive light. " - FPP

Rip Mike Brown