Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sexual Relations: The Quest for Life...for perfection. Wait, is that realistic? It could be!

The infamous "mancave" is the setting for such famous brainstorm sessions such as, but not limited to: How long can one live on sex and apple juice? Can there be a movie where the black guy doesn't die? If we  all are made in God's image, does that include strippers? Yes, these thoughts have gone through our (Reno & Jay) mind, but these ideas have nothing to do with what the blog post is about.

The Inspire University project (along with The UC) is still alive and well, but with the current events going on in the nation and even in my residential locale, I've been finding it more and more difficult to muster up the inspiration to work on my next "media" project.  Since I Dj (still), and have been all summer, I enjoy my job but through all of the wedding receptions and parties that I've hosted for the past 3 summers, I still feel the cold hands of monotony grasping ever tighter around the neck of my inspiration.  The same songs, the same speeches, same dry dialogue of people paying respect and homage to their family and loved ones.  Same drunk b****es trying to get me to dance while I'm spinning tracks for the masses (well, maybe not the same B****es, but I have a woman so all of the drunk ones trying to flirt with me look the same).

To try and "expand" my horizons this summer, I did get a chance to take several (budget friendly) vacations and get away from the familiar sights and sounds of my hometown and have some fun.  Within all of the tasks I do on a monthly basis, I believe that the biggest observation and interaction that intrigues me enough to write about (and also base my next cd upon) is Sex.  Relationships. The quest for "perfection".

Well, most people could and probably would tell me that "IT" is a very sensitive subject.  "IT" is a common topic and you couldn't be unique with it.  I would say yes and no.  Sex (& Sexual Relations), is probably the most glorified topic the our lives, it will be until the world ends.  Though we have an obligation to be above other creatures due to our intelligence, emotions, and the end of the day our primary purpose in life is to procreate.

The issue that I notice in American Society, is that, more often than not...our expression of what is right or wrong, good or bad, perfect or flawed is more or less determined by our media outlets.  In addition to that, even what is "normal" or "cool" to do within' our relationships (whether it may or may not be healthy or even legal) is told to us by our magazines, tv shows, music, etc.  But, as I look, things  aren't all bad all across the board.  I mean, one of the greatest inventions, the internet, has put the power of deciding what we want to filter from our media into the hands of the consumer, but...with so many people having access and trying to express their opinion at once, there still are more eyes and ears pointed toward the people who have major media exposure and/or a bigger wallet.

So with that said, my goal is to portray the positive & negative situations that can arise in anyone's life in regards to relations, and interactions we have with each other.  It's through my eyes, my observations, my experiences that I am basing this project on.  Needless to say, it's totally in it's starting phase so it'll be awhile before it is done, but I'm taking my time.  The reality of it is, really I am a fan of culture, and whenever I am inspired, I will be adding pieces to the puzzle of this project...

In closing, find you're own rules and ways to make your relationships "perfect".  "Perfect" is just an opinion, just make sure your idea of perfect is your own and not anyone else's.  Love is a Journey, not a destination.

Stay Tuned,
Stay Sexy

Reno K

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