Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dear Mr. President (Barack Obama)

Dear Mr. President (Barack Obama),

I just want you to know that I watched your State Of The Union speech last night.  It was pretty cool, there were many points that you addressed that I agreed with. I'm also happy that you gave many examples of how things in the nation are getting better.  It was awesome that you mentioned "Milwaukee, WI" (because that's where I live) in your speech when you were talking about the employment market and how the Master Lock factory is working at capacity because it wants to keep its business and employees in the U.S.  In my mind, its a reminder on how you and your administration are delegating some of your time and efforts to get information and work with businesses that are trying to make a stronger America.

Sure, the country is not in the best shape right now and you've been honest about that since you came into office as our leader a few years back.  There are things I could complain and criticize about, but whenever I see you speak to us on television I see the urgency in your voice which makes me feel that you are giving your best effort on every endeavor that you work on in your schedule, I feel like you're not singling out any specific group, race, class, sex, etc. and that you have America's best interests (as a whole) in your intentions.

There are times where I hear you speak and I honestly forget that you are the voice of our President because I honestly am not used to hearing such a passionate person talking about our country.  Over the past few years I've seen you happy, frustrated, disgusted, optimistic, stern, and a multitude of other emotions when you are informing us on our progress as a country; this makes me feel like you're a friend or colleague more than the Commander in Chief (I totally promise that if I ever meet you I will not forget you're the President).  Either you're a good actor or you're in love with America, I'm pretty sure it's the latter.

I understand that you receive a lot of suggestions and opposition on how to do your job, and I'm going to let you know personally I think you're doing everything that you can to lead us to success.  So you won't hear any complaints from me in that Department.  I want to let you know that I am happy that you are our leader, not because of your race (you are an American just like I am, that's all that matters), not because of your political party (Democrat, Republican, Conservative, Liberal...I am none of  these, I am American, whoever in my opinion has the country's best interests at heart will win my vote), where you live (well, you live in the White House right now, the only way I'd be jealous about that is if you have a swimming pool there, if you do have one DON'T TELL ME!), how much money you make (no matter how much money we make as individuals we all need to work together to survive as Americans, though I could always stand to have a little extra money in my pocket, if you're hiring or know somebody that is, I have a great Sales resume!), or any other superficial reason...

I am happy that you are our leader because you give us plans and initiatives, not excuses and finger pointing.  You give us hope and ideas for change, not monotony and complacency.  Thank you Mr. President.  I know you're busy, I don't expect any reply or anything, I just want you to know as a citizen I am here to help you out in whatever way I can just as you've done for us as our President.

Matthew V. Martin (aka Reno)

P.S. - If you ever are in the Milwaukee / Chicago area, and you have some free time, we can do lunch, just let me know a week in advance.

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